Om | About

Dan blev født den 2. juni 1977. Han voksede op i Hvidovre. Han gik i den jødiske børnehave og skole,



I en meget tidlig alder, omkring 4-5 år, begyndte han at spille fodbold i den jødiske sportsklub, Hakoah. Han

stod på mål. Igennem årene deltog han i 5 Maccabi Games med det danske fodboldhold fra Hakoah.

Efter han afsluttede HF, arbejdede han nogle år, inden han påbegyndte Politstudiet på Københavns



Dan elskede sport. Alle former for sport. På et tidspunkt spillede han også lidt håndbold.

I sommeren 1996 deltog Dan i en basketball camp i Hørsholm. Han havde tidligere kun spillet for sjov, men

da han ikke havde andre planer den sommer og fik en invitation til campen, tog han det som en mulighed

for at få lidt erfaring. Det var begyndelsen på hans basketball karriere. Dan spillede center. Han er blevet

karakteriseret som ”the working man”. Han hjalp til på og udenfor banen.


I 2010 startede Dan på Hørsholms veteran hold, Høbas, hvor han også blev aktiv i bestyrelsen.

Da Dan var 17 år, spurgte han sine forældre om lov til at melde sig som frivillig til det jødiske vagtkorps.

Forældrenes tilsagn var nødvendig, da man egentlig først måtte stå vagt som 18 årig. Dan har stået vagt lige

siden… indtil han blev dræbt foran synagogen i København natten til den 15. februar 2015.



Dan was born the 2. June 1977. He grew up in a suburb to Copenhagen called Hvidovre. He went to the

Jewish kindergarten and school, Carolineskolen.

In a very early age, around the age of 4-5, he started to play soccer in the Jewish sportsclub, Hakoah. His

position was a goalkeeper. During the years he attended five Maccabi Games with the Danish Hakoah



After finishing high school he worked for a couple of years before he started his economy studies at the

University of Copenhagen.


In the summer of 1996 Dan attended a basket summer camp in Hørsholm (north of Copenhagen). He had

only played for fun, but he didn’t have any plans for the summer, so he took it as an experience. That

started his basket carrier. Dan played the center position. He has been characterized as the “working man”.

He helped on and off the field.


In 2010 Dan started playing for the veteran basketball team, Høbas, in Hørsholm.

When Dan was 17 years old, he asked his parents for permission to volunteer to be a guard at the

Jewish Community in Copenhagen. The permission was needed, since he wasn’t 18 yet. The

permission was given, and Dan has been guarding since…Till he was killed in front of the synagogue

in Copenhagen the 15. February 2015.

4 thoughts on “Om | About

  1. Dan was an amazing friend and person … He will always stay in my heart❤️ I’m soo angry I can’t even explain it! It’s not fair that a beautiful person like Dan went true that.

  2. As the world has celebrated the expansion of Freedom and Democracy, it is sad, tragic, disheartening that we must fortify and guard many of our public institutions plus even homes. Those who love and value freedom an democracy must work together, worldwide, to protect these values and those who protect those values with us. Sadly, that is not yet happening. But perhaps that impulse is now growing.
    What a waste these murders of young, intelligent, decent exemplary people in many communities have been. The world of decency must insist this stops.

  3. We would like to help you raise funds and create a lasting monument to his memory. Wuill you please add our request in Yiddish so that we can send it to our 29,000 member list?

    שלעכקײַט וועט קײנמאָל ניט צעשטערן ווערן בײַ מאַכט, מע קען עס בלויז איבערשטײַגן מיט גוטסקײַט. דאָס איז די אײנציקע האָפֿענאנג פֿאַר מענטשלעכקײַט און פֿאַרן גאַנצן וועלט

  4. Dan My Friend, it’s been a week and it’s still hard to know that I will never see you again..I’m so sad, the tears will just not stop running down my face. It’s a sorrow you can’t explain its a pain you can’t describe.. It’s a nightmare you can’t put into words. “Tears in heaven” Was the song that was playing when I heard it was you. Forever this song will remind me of you my friend. You’re my hero, you’re our hero! You will forever have a place in my heart… When I was sad you made me laugh, when I was mad you told me to hit you to get my anger out because anyways you wouldn’t feel it. When I talked bullshit you would look at me in a special way like “seriously Moore” and shake your head which alwayssss made me laugh. You always knew to cheer me up and give big teddy bear hugs and make us all feel protected… You’re our giant with the biggest heart, the purest heart. A person I will never forget. We had good times, we had fun times and those memories will be cherished in my heart forever. You were and will always be one of the biggest personalities of our Jewish community. Because of you we felt safe, because of you we could come to the synagogue and pray in peace. You gave your life so we could feel protected.
    You’re a star in the sky, you’re our angel looking down on us and protecting us from above. I believe we will meet again one day. I had the greatest privilege of knowing you and that’s unique, because you were a special man. And one is lucky if they meet someone like you in their lifetime. I’m honored to be your friend. You Will be my friend until the end of time. Rest In Peace My Friend.❤️

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